The Missing Link’s award winning range of interconnect cables.Designed and handcrafted using our own Ultrapure™ Silver and Silver plating system for a truly amazing audio experience!
We now accept part exchange Hi Fi equipment against our Audio cables
Silver Surfer Interconnect

The Silver Surfer Interconnect is our award winning entry level cable.
£72 per 0.5 metre stereo pair terminated with PTFE insulated Reference RCA connectors
Add £30 per subsequent 0.5 metre of cable
Add £70 for Eichmann Link RCA upgrade
We think you will find the quality of our Silver Surfer Interconnect is superior to mass-produced interconnect cables, whatever the price. Crafted with our award winning Missing Link Ultrapure™ Silver plated pure copper conductors and PTFE insulation for outstanding audio results, the Silver Surfer comes with a choice of terminations. Featuring the Missing Link Reference RCA connectors as standard, the Silver Surfer is also suitable for 3.5mm termination, pro-audio leads for guitars and many other options.
Alaqeia Interconnect

The Alaqeia ... The Greek Goddess of Truth!
£99 per 0.5-metre stereo pair with PTFE insulated, adjustable Reference RCA connectors
Add £40 per subsequent 0.5 metre of cable
Add £70 for Eichmann Link RCA Upgrade
Add £40 for Balanced Termination with Silver contact XLR
Quality and craftsmanship need not cost a fortune. The Alaqeia Interconnect is handcrafted from the finest materials, assembled to the highest standards and is a true contender for other high-end cables. Featuring our high purity Ultrapure™ Silver plated, oxygen-free, copper conductor, PTFE insulated adjustable Reference RCA plugs as standard, its pseudo balanced construction offers superior RFI rejection. It is also available with balanced XLR Termination.
The Link Family of Audio Cables Made with our own Ultrapure™ Pure Silver Conductors
From From the selection of Silver core for the perfect chemical fingerprint, to the finished cable, we believe the Link family of audio reproduction cables to be of the very highest quality available for the price. They are the result of many years of passion and continuedresearch by our designer Mark, whose goal is to create the very best cables for audio reproduction available today. Having an understated approach and believing that quality speaks for itself, Mark’s motto, “Cables based on science, not mythology” is the basis for his company, The Missing Link. Mark has funded numerous joint research programmes into chemical, electrical and physical analysis and evaluation of materials for use in audio cables, along with Nottingham University, BAE systems and also Dr Anthony Swiss at Bradford University's excellent metallurgy department.
The Link Interconnect

The Link
£238 per 0.5 metre stereo pair
Terminated with Missing Link RCA connectors
Add £100 per subsequent 0.5m)
Add £70 for Eichmann Link RCA upgrade.
Add £50 for Balanced Termination with Silver contact XLR
Available in Black or Blue
A single solid core of Missing Link Ultrapure™ Silver with Ultrapure™ Silver plated copper return. PTFE insulator with silicone damping system and Missing Link Reference RCA Connectors as standard.
The Link Cryo Interconnect

The Link Cryo
£320 per 0.5 metre stereo pair
Terminated with Eichman Link RCA connectors As standard
Add £170 per subsequent 0.5m
Add £90 for Eichmann Silver Link RCA upgrade
Add £70 for Balanced
Available in Black Blue White ,orange, purple
A twisted pair construction made with Missing Link Ultrapure™ solid core pure Silver conductors.
PTFE insulator with silicone damping system and Eichmann copper bullets as standard.
Cryotone ™ Heat & Cryogenicaly Treated
The Link Cryo Reference Interconnect

The Link Cryo Reference
£595 per 0.5 metre stereo pair
Terminated with Eichman Silver Link Bullet RCA connectors
Add £220 per subsequent 0.5m
No extra cost for Balanced Termination with Silver contact XLR Available in Black, Blue, White, Orange , purple
A twisted pair construction made with Missing Link Ultrapure™ solid core pure silver conductors with floating shield system. PTFE insulator with silicone damping system and Eichmann copper bullets as standard. Cryotone ™ Heat & Cryogenicaly Treated
The Link Cryo Reference Interconnect
The Passion Signature

The Passion Signature
£920 per 0.5 metre stereo pair
Terminated with Eichman Silver Link Bullet RCA connectors
Add £695 per subsequent 0.5m
No extra cost Balanced Termination with Silver contact XLR
Available in black, blue, purple, orange, white or Passion signature Titanium.
The Missing Link’s unique interconnect based on our many years of research, With state of the art features including internal suspension system. This is our finest interconnect and we believe it offers the best possible connection for your audio equipment, built with more Missing Link Ultrapure™ Solid core pure Silver conductors than any other Missing Link interconnect Cryotone ™ Heat & Cryogenicaly Treated
The PTFE insulators have especially developed internal damping and anti RFI technology and are also fitted with Eichmann Pure Silver bullets as standard. These features allow the perfect signal path, ensuring the most accurate reproduction of the original musical signal possible.
The Passion Signature for Krell Cast
Ricardo Franassovici Absolute Sounds
"We have now and for the past few weeks tried The Missing Link Passion Signature Krell Cast and we are very pleased with its performance. It's definitely up there with the best.”