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Hello Mark,

 Please find below as requested a review of the Unity One Linn Kit. 

 “ In the eighties ‘British Rail’ had a slogan “Let the train take the strain” .The adverts showed a train speeding along with stress free passengers avoiding the hassle of traffic jams.

 Listening to the ‘Unity One’ made me think of this advert. The sound is so effortless, tracking is vastly improved, inner groove distortion disappears, sibilant vocals are reproduced with a complete sense of correctness, all from a quiet background.

 The Naim Aro retains its liquid and sweet presentation but the treble is more incisive with greater impact and the sound is more tactile with a greater sense of space. The base sill retains its slight softness but is more dynamic.

 I have been purchasing Hi Fi for 50 years and have never achieved such an upgrade for such a small outlay. “

 We have included peter’s contact information as he requested he is happy to communicate with prosepective customers…

 Peter G. Somers.

Hi Jan and Mark,
I hope you are both well.
Following on from our recent conversation, I'd like to offer the following review, which you are welcome to use on your website if you wish. I'll get round soon to posting something on a hifi forum too.

"My friend Tom, with whom I have a friendly 'HiFi rivalry' was sat there with his mouth open. He'd liked my system quite a lot, but was quite fond of nit picking and pointing out where his was better; but what neither of us could quite believe was the transformation that the Missing Link mains cables and plugs had wrought in my system.
The imaging and level of detail had been benignly transformed, i.e., the system still had it's inherent warmth but now with almost holographic imaging and a tangible sense of quietness. In particular, we noticed the effect of the Orbit cables which were supplying my power amp and my Isotek mains distribution block / conditioner.
I, for one, couldn't figure out how a length of cable and a ferrite core positioned before all my Isotek's best efforts at mains conditioning could have such a stunning effect. To put it in context, this cable on its own had around the same degree of sonic benefit as the £650 I spent having my power amp upgraded with better internal wiring, capacitors etc.
Eventually, Tom managed to close his mouth and I have a hunch he might be a Missing Link customer fairly soon - John Mackessy, London."

Hi Jan


Thought it was time to let you know just how pleased I am with the Link Cryo Reference interconnect.  When I fitted the Log Rhythm MkII to my SME IV I was in holiday mode so burn-in was achieved in double quick time.  As luck would have it the Cryo arrived just as we were about to be inspected at work so it has taken me quite a bit longer to get to the same place.  Was it worth the wait?  You bet!  The Log Rhythm was so much better than the Van den Hul that came with the arm that the improvements were pretty dramatic and immediate. When I replaced the Ecosse cable linking my pre and power amps with the Cryo the differences were of a more subtle nature.  There is more 'grip', with the bass notably tighter and the top end (which was already pretty good) even more controlled.  The overall sound is more 'natural' and the music just fills the room.  Vocals in particular reach out and grab you by the ears. Piano, which is notoriously difficult to reproduce well, is treated to a full makeover - the 2nd (slow) movement from Beethoven Piano Concerto 5 is like listening to liqiud crystal!   Of course there is always the danger that having spent serious money on a new cable you con yourself into hearing alleged improvements. My better half, usually sceptical about the benefits of splashing out on little bits of silver wire ("you can buy a leather sofa for that kind of money"), is actually sitting down on said leather sofa and asking me to play particular records.  Praise indeed.  Not only do your cables bring out the best in the music they throw in positive relationship building for free.  I would not hesitate to recommend your products and your service to anyone.


Hope you and Mark have a wonderful Christmas.


With best wishes for you and the business in 2016.



Jim Brady

Hi Mark and Jan,
As promised a long time ago, some feedback regarding your new high
current HCX power cable.
I was originally was intending buying a second cryo reference cable,
for my amp having used the first on my cd player.
Now as you saw from the first email, the cryo reference is a
spectacular cable, revealing detail and handling transients with ease.
I had to ask myself whether this cable would be bettered? I borrowed
another cryo reference to compare against a high current x. I tested
reference and high current x in various combinations. I came to the
conclusion that the High Current X is definetely suited to the amp
amplication. The Reference is NO  way a inferior cable, it does a
superb job of lower current applications. It doesn't do a bad job with
an amp. As it says on the tin, the High Current X is designed for amp
use and is superb. It is the big brother to the Reference, having all
the same traits...but even more so! Transients are handled extremely
well, giving a great sense of space, clarity and detail. The
combination of Reference and High Current HCX are a marriage made in
heaven. Well worth borrowing one for a trial..You may end up being
pursuaded by sonic ability to buy one like I did! Go ahead and enjoy!

Hi Mark,


Following our recent conversation, I promised you some feedback.

I decided to try your Link Cryo reference cable against my voodoo pure silver mains leads. I didn't think at this stage I could get any more detail out of my wrong I was.

I auditioned the cable intially and thought things were fairly close. Given about 30 mins, your cable started to give a wider soundstage, more detail and more solid sound. To cut a long story short, after a week I purchased the same cable from you which came within 4 days-fantastic service!

Carry on doing what you do and that you're so passionate about (don't become greedy and corporate). Fantastic range of products. Do you do half metres of the above cable? Let me know I'm sure I'll be back for some more products soon.


Many Thanks

Chris Dixon.

Full VP-12 Conversion June 2016 2016


Hi Mark

Just a quick update now I’ve been doing some more listening since the upgrades


-Bigger/better defined soundstage

-Another octave of bass

-Improved bass articulation

-More like listening to master tape – seemingly more real/solid and precise and easier to follow individual parts in a mix and help work out how the mix was constructed/edited

-No loss of musicality or dynamics

-Nothing negative I’ve identified

-One of best value upgrades I can think of – would be fascinated to hear it in competition with a similarly specc’d Keeled deck but I struggle to see how it could be materially better and a whole load of £££££s saved for more vinyl purchases…….

Now I’m in the market for a power cable for my CD transport without spending mega money – what would be a good bet from your range? Will need a 1.5m length for sure – had a look online at the options you offer and decided your expert advice would help narrow down the options!


Look forward to hearing from you.


Cheers! (and thanks once again)


HR Business Partner

Custom Build All black VP-150 


Good morning Jan and Mark,


As agreed, I've returned the turntable packaging to you. It should arrive today. I took the opportunity to pack my cassette collection in the box. I'm sure Mark will enjoy the music in his workshop.


The turntable is work to be proud of - not only is it beautifully made, the sound quality is sublime; it's like having the musicians in the room with you. I'm looking forward to gradually rediscovering my long-forgotten vinyls. The best upgrade ever!


I forgot to ask - hope you haven't been affected by the flooding?


Kind regards,



Feedback on VP-12 Built for the dem room From Malvern Audio Research... April 2016


Hi Mark & Jan!

Just been testing Stewart's Phono stage and running it with the upgraded VP-12...(what is it's correct name? Ed).

Mark to say I am stunned is NOT an exaggeration.... I simply can not believe the difference!

The detail is staggering I was playing dear old "Rudy" and heard things I had never heard ever before, the distinctness of the notes and lower mid is a total revelation...

Got to say that, pardon my french, your are a  ***king genius Mark!  Never mind the Stewart's Phonostage which is sounding lovely!

What a combination!!

Thank you so much, it does knock the pants out of the air bearing parallel tracker, which is damn good in it's own right...

I am so looking forward to you both coming down for listen soon...

Love to all
Mark Mannering White Audio Detail UK


Nordost Retermination service


Hi Mark,


Just a quick thank you for the job you did reterminating the Nordost Valkyrja. I had doubts, and thought the price pretty expensive, but they look and sound as good as a factory terminated pair. I will no doubt emply your service again.


Kind regards,


Many more to be added
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